We are blessed with everything we need. Air in our Lungs. People who love and care for us. Things that make us smile. Others that awe us and make us wonder.
Blessed with being Human, we have all the senses that we need to survive. Hands, legs so that we can work to put food on our plates and those of our families. Thanks to HIM, we have all that we need.
Then we chase what we want. This is where things go wrong.
There is nothing wrong in chasing your dreams, but they do come at a cost. More than often we aren't prepared to pay that cost. Knowingly or unknowingly, we embark upon this venture of creating fame and fortune for ourselves, much more than was cut out for us. To get there we have to go the extra mile, naturally. We do experience failure, stress, frustration, jealousy, unhappiness... basically all the worst parts of the bible. Somethings that HE wanted to shelter us from. But...
Its human to Want, but it's natural to Give. Its human to be One up on the other, but Its natural to treat the other as an equal. Its human to experience stress, jealousy, frustration, but its natural to experience peace...
Believe me. Our lives were meant to be happier and simpler and peaceful. So the next time you want some thing and try and get it, ask yourself, "Do i need this?"