I speak because I believe

Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. Anyone can be Christian regardless of cast, race, creed or religion. My attempt in this blog is to showcase how simple it is to follow "the path" that Jesus showed us to enjoy life on earth (material world) and beyond (spiritual).

Sunday, November 29, 2009

You are here on Purpose!

How many times have we wondered why we are living the lives that we are. Why are we living in this country? Why do we have him or her as our siblings? Why do we have them as our parents? Why are we doing the jobs that we are? The moment you ask yourself those questions is the beginning you are trying to seek purpose in your life.
We are often asked the magical question "What is it the you want from life?" And our general answers would range from, happiness to money to fame to cars and even marrying someone we really love. If you notice all these are so general and leave us no different from anyone else. Then why is it that we keep telling ourselves that we are "unique".
A "Unique" person has unique qualities and talents that help him make a difference. Not only to his life but to the lives of people he comes in touch with. Jesus led this kind of a life. He never wanted fame or fortune. He was born so that he could die for us. That was his purpose in life. What ever he did and taught had a reason that stemmed out of that purpose.
How many of us have realized our "purpose" in life? A purpose that goes beyond ourselves, our careers and family. A purpose that touches the lives of others. A purpose of complete selflessness and service. IF we spend sometime and think about the purpose of our lives, it will be easier to know what we want. Think about it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jesus, Amazing painting

An amazing Live Jesus painting that also re-enforces whatever Jesus stands for. How many of these characteristics do you have in you as a Christian? Something to ponder over. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

You fell? Now get up and try again!

Although the symbol of Christianity is Jesus dying on the cross, I have chosen my personal symbol as the resurrected Christ.
We have all failed sometime or the other in life. Be it at work or home. In love or friendship. In others eyes or even our own. It is only human to fail and there is definitely nothing wrong in it. But what we do after we fail defines the power within us that makes us more like Christ. Beaten, abandoned and thoroughly humiliated Jesus was hung naked on the cross
for the world to see. Very few of us would manage to survive that kinda shame even metaphorically speaking. But as we seldom believe "Death is never the end". Jesus died on the cross knowing that he will rise when it is time. And he rose to embarrass those who had slain him. That is resurrection.
We are always worried about the consequences of our actions. Although that is important to a certain extent, it should never prevent us from trying something we know we might fail in. So what if we fail? There will be a handful of people who would laugh at us. Others who would claim "I told you so". What is more important is what we have learnt from our failure. How we resurrect from our defeat. Lets just dust ourselves off and try again. Lets Resurrect!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Picture Perfect

Do you recognize your Jesus?

Unfortunately, there is no conclusive evidence of Jesus looking like the way we are told. Most of the paintings of Jesus have been artist impressions past down the ages. The first picture is said to be re-created from the impression left on the shroud,which is an argument that has a life of it's own.
I believe in all of this, we are missing a serious point. There isn't any right or wrong picture to Jesus. It really doesn't matter what Jesus looked like. What matters is how we see him or the image that we keep in our hearts. Lets close our eyes and draw our own Jesus in our minds. Sketch him out if you can. He is your own Jesus. Feel free to scan and post Your Jesus to this article.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jesus Christ, CEO.

If we take a second look at the life of Jesus we would realize that He was an excellent leader and a leader maker. If we look at the way Jesus went about his work, it was no different from the 'ideal office' set up we would want in this day and age. He had great sub-ordinates. A perfect task list. Targets to be achieved and a job profile laid out for each and every one.

1. Jesus hand picked the 12
Jesus must have already sorted in his head the kind of positions he had vacant in "His office". His disciples/ sub-ordinates didn't apply for the jobs but were "called". They didnt need to have experience in a particular field, but needed to have the drive and passion he needed to achieve the goal. He didn't look out for people holding senior positions, but for commoners who were ready to learn. Street smart, but true at heart. Moreover, sub-ordinates who were ready to follow initially so that they could lead in the future

2. Jesus stuck to the plan
Jesus knew what he had come on earth to do. His life was written way before he was born. All he had to do is live by it. So we went about the plan with no alterations whatsoever. The goal had been set. The path to it had been defined. The systems were laid down. He went about executing the plan.

3. Love was the contract.
There was no agreement, work tenure or salaries fixed for the disciples. The brotherhood bond that they shared was the contract. The love that Jesus had for his sub-ordinates created a different kind of loyalty that the disciples had for Him. Love was the contract and love was the business. And it carries on till this date.

4. Jesus had an open office.
Wherever he sat with his disciples, that place was his office. No big set-up. No stone structures. The land was his office. He would have his meetings on the mount, conferences under trees, workshops by the lake. No overheads, and ran a very successful "operation" for 3 years.

5. The biggest outfit till date.
What started 2000 years ago has bloomed into an office that is bigger than any of the Microsofts, Sonys or Reliances of the world. Successfully running our hearts, minds and souls. Making new "callings" everyday to go about its business of Love.

Maybe our business men of today could learn a thing or two by looking closely at His life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jesus is the way, not a study.

In recent times, many scholars have managed to dig up facts that challenge the life of Jesus as we have known it. They can present evidence that paints us a different kind of picture as to the whereabouts of his birth place, the kind of life he lead, the friends he had, his relationship with Mary Magdalene even the way he looked.
Science and religion have always been 2 opposite sides of the coin. While science relies on facts that range from excavation evidence, and hair samples to parallel writing found on scrolls, religion is based on pure faith. What we believe is much more important than what we read or people tell us.
Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe”. That is how the apostle Thomas answered the disciples when they told him that they saw the risen Jesus. “Unless I see I will not believe”. This is how people who demand from us logical, tangible proof of the Christian faith often answer us.
Here is a good lesson for us. Our ideal way of reacting to this argument is a debate. Armed with the limited knowledge of our religion that we have, we set out to wage war on the non-believers. Instead, what we should appreciate is the amount of time and effort the individual has spent studying to put up this debate. He probably knows much more of our faith than we do. He just dosen't realize it.
Our religion, is a religion of "Blind Faith". Jesus spoke about such people when He said: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”. They are blessed, for they did not seek logical proofs, but the fire which God places in people’s hearts. It is always easier said than done, because in this day and age, where we have access to "The apple of Adam & Eve" (The fruit of wisdom), it becomes easy for us to believe we are all Gods, and can make things happen because we "believe" in ourselves. Aren't we sporting "Blind Faith" again. Do we spend time challenging that?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jesus, Human after all.

Click for a larger image

Jesus was born in the normal way, grew in the normal way, got hungry and thirsty and tired, ate and drank and slept. He looked normal, talked in ordinary language, walked and mixed around normally. He had emotions such as compassion, surprise, sorrow and apprehension. He prayed to God, as humans need to. He called himself a man and other people called him a man. He was a human being.

He smiled, laughed and partied the way we would. He even suffered and died, just the way we would (well... not exactly the way we would). Many people who disliked him for his popularity tried to bring him down. Others happily followed him, remembered and wrote about him after his life here had passed.

The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus was really a human. John tells us, "The Word became flesh". He didn’t just appear as flesh, or clothe himself in flesh. He became flesh. "Jesus Christ has come in the flesh". We know, says John, because we saw him and touched him.

Our salvation depends on the reality of Jesus’ humanity. His role as our intercessor, our high priest, depends on his experience as a human. Even after his resurrection, Jesus had flesh and bones. Even in heavenly glory, he continues to be a human.

So the next time we call ourselves "Just human" ,when we fail to perform a certain task, realize that we can always strive to be like Jesus, in the way we live, behave and communicate with others. He has set us a good example of what an ideal human being should be like. All we have to do is follow....