I speak because I believe

Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. Anyone can be Christian regardless of cast, race, creed or religion. My attempt in this blog is to showcase how simple it is to follow "the path" that Jesus showed us to enjoy life on earth (material world) and beyond (spiritual).

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why do we praise Jesus?

Have you ever wondered why you praise Jesus? Why you bow down before his frame, kiss his feet, shout out in praise, sing songs about him...?
When i ask myself these questions, I begin to realize that Jesus never asked us to sing praises in his name, adore the mode in which he died or pray to all the images and statues of Him that is spread so widely around. Let me clarify myself, I am not against praise and worship of my savior, I am questioning our act of praise and worship when all Jesus wanted was that we follow his path. To love each other as he loved us. To use his teachings in thoughts, words and deeds. To spread his word. To love and forgive our enemies unconditionally. Then where does the singing and chanting of praise come in? I guess it is easier for me to praise Jesus and worship Him than follow his teachings. Human after all.
We have all got used to flattering each other to get some kind of reward, that we feel it works all the time. As I said earlier, I am not against praising and worshiping Him, but lets not forget what he actually wanted us to do. Let us pray that he gives us the strength and courage to diligently follow what he has taught us. That will be a gift that far surpasses praise and worship and will be a perfect "Thank you" for saving us.


  1. I like the thought - what this post refers to is mindless praise & worship ie only showing up but not showing faith - not living the faith. However, Id also like to point out that the act of praise & worship is also an integral part of our faith - an integral part of being Christian. The intention behind praise & worship is not to "flatter" Him - it is to give Him glory & acknowledge that He is our 'all in all'. Intense praise & worship sessions are a powerful medium of prayer & reflection. For instance, from a personal point of view - I use 'praise & worship' time to thank Him for the many things He has done for me, to ask for strength to deal with what is. We bow down before images of Him not to display an outward show of faith, but we bow down before He who made us to love & worship Him above all things. :)

  2. It was an awesum experience,Infact the discussion and the entire vigil answered alot of my questions,and sure it has answered othrs questions 2.............
    I truly believe that Jesus is the answer to all our questions............
