I speak because I believe

Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. Anyone can be Christian regardless of cast, race, creed or religion. My attempt in this blog is to showcase how simple it is to follow "the path" that Jesus showed us to enjoy life on earth (material world) and beyond (spiritual).

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jesus, Human after all.

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Jesus was born in the normal way, grew in the normal way, got hungry and thirsty and tired, ate and drank and slept. He looked normal, talked in ordinary language, walked and mixed around normally. He had emotions such as compassion, surprise, sorrow and apprehension. He prayed to God, as humans need to. He called himself a man and other people called him a man. He was a human being.

He smiled, laughed and partied the way we would. He even suffered and died, just the way we would (well... not exactly the way we would). Many people who disliked him for his popularity tried to bring him down. Others happily followed him, remembered and wrote about him after his life here had passed.

The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus was really a human. John tells us, "The Word became flesh". He didn’t just appear as flesh, or clothe himself in flesh. He became flesh. "Jesus Christ has come in the flesh". We know, says John, because we saw him and touched him.

Our salvation depends on the reality of Jesus’ humanity. His role as our intercessor, our high priest, depends on his experience as a human. Even after his resurrection, Jesus had flesh and bones. Even in heavenly glory, he continues to be a human.

So the next time we call ourselves "Just human" ,when we fail to perform a certain task, realize that we can always strive to be like Jesus, in the way we live, behave and communicate with others. He has set us a good example of what an ideal human being should be like. All we have to do is follow....

1 comment:

  1. Jesus had a sense of humour too:

    One day Peter comes panting to Jesus. He is really worried. "Master, do we pay the Romans our taxes, if not, we're in for trouble?"
    "Of course we pay our taxes," Jesus cooly replies. "Just run down to the lake and open the mouth of the first fish you catch. There you'll find the coin needed to pay for both of us."
    Peter stares with mouth ajar. Is it that simple?
    "Not simple, Pete. It's ridiculous - sons of the soil paying taxes to foreiger intruders?" Peter gets the point as Jesus' face breaks into a smile. "That's a good one, Lord!"

    Then there's the 'walking on water' - didn't that give the apostles goosebumps? Peter, of course was amazed and decided to try. Jesus goaded him on: "Come on Pete! Walk on water!" And we know what happened...Jesus' firm hand gripped the fisherman as he sank simply because he was too shocked to believe he could actually do it. Can you hear Jesus laughing heartily as he chides Peter, "Man of little faith, why did you doubt!"

